Our Top Tips for Increased Productivity

With the increasing number of competition and growing demand for an all-round achiever, it is important that students must start increasing their productivity early. University is the best place for students who are looking forward towards overall development and increase in their efficiency. At universities, students are continuously surrounded by a number of tasks and activities. Whether it is attending a lecture, engaging in your favourite sport, working on different academic assignments such as report writing or dissertation writing, catching up with your social life or looking after yourself, the university is the best place to learn to lead a balanced life.

Below is a list of our top tips which will help you increase your productivity not only at the university but even in your professional and personal lives.

Manage your time

Managing your time is the first step towards increased productivity. To manage your time, first, you need to track the time you spend each day on different activities. A simple way of managing your time efficiently is by making a personal timetable for your daily activities. This will help keep a track of all the events and activities you have to get involved in for the day and will give you equal opportunities to accomplish your listed tasks.

Set your deadlines

Once you make a timetable, start by setting deadlines. For example, for an essay writing task, break the complete task of writing the essay into smaller tasks such as researching on the topic, writing the essay, proofreading and editing. Further, start setting deadlines for each task such as three hours for researching, two hours for writing and so on and add these deadlines in your timetable. This will save you from any last-minute hassle and will maximise your productivity.

Plan in advance

To maintain a work-life balance, start making use of a diary, calendar or mobile application to plan in advance for the upcoming weeks and months. This habit will not only make your student life productive but also will come as a great help in any career you chose. Mark your calendar with major family events and deadlines for submissions and exams. This will help you decide your priorities and give you enough time to plan your personal and academic life.

Follow a healthy diet

We often get tempted to ditch that nutritious and wholemeal food for fast food and sugary drinks. However, following a healthy diet is important to maintain optimum health and build a strong immune system. As students put a lot of strain on their brain and bodies, switching to more nutritious food will increase your energy levels and will keep you more productive throughout the day.

Get enough sleep

Experts recommend daily 8 hours of sleep for the healthy functioning of the human brain. To increase your productivity, make sure to take frequent breaks and get enough sleep at the end of each day. If you feel stress before exams, indulge in exam notes preparation beforehand and get sound sleep to wake up fresh for your examination day.

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