The Relationship between Loyalty Schemes and Purchase Behaviour in the British Retail Industry: A Moderating Effect of Consumer Intention on the Provision of Personal Data


In this introduction chapter sample, the author focuses on the moderating role of consumers’ intention to provide personal data in the relationship between loyalty schemes and purchase behaviour in the UK retail industry. The chapter provides the reader with a detailed research background, as well as the reasons why this study was undertaken. The research…

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Effect of cross-border mergers and acquisitions on technological innovations

businessmen handshake

1. Introduction 1.1. Background A desire to obtain know how or new technological innovations is often suggested to be one of the main reasons behind merger activities (Jovanovic and Rousseau, 2002). Similar to shocks that shake and heal the economic environment, technological shocks are able to reallocate market factors optimally, and mergers and acquisitions (M&As)…

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Success Factors for UK-Based Crowdfunding Projects. Should the Founders’ Demographic Profile Match That of the Target Audience?

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In this sample of the introductory chapter, the author establishes the context of the selected topic, which is the examination of the effect that congruence between founder and backer traits produces on the success of crowdfunding campaigns. The aim and objectives of this study are also formulated and the research methods are identified. Chapter 1:…

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The Role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Transforming the Business Model of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

typing on a laptop

This PhD dissertation introduction chapter focuses on how the Internet of Things (IoT) has affected the business model of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The author identifies the main research gaps in the literature and rationalises the selection of this topic, formulating a set of research objectives that this study attempts to achieve. The author’s…

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Individual Consumer Characteristics in the Relationship between Technology Acceptance and Social Commerce Engagement

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This PhD thesis introduction chapter sample focuses on the issue of individual consumer characteristics. As well as their role in the relationship between technology acceptance and social commerce engagement. The author explains why this study is needed and what it attempts to discover through their thesis.  Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Research Problem Social networking websites…

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The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Millennials’ Employment Choices: Altruism or Attention Seeking?

typing on a laptop

In this PhD chapter sample, the author focuses on the research problem of how corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects Millennials’ employment choices, as well as how attention-seeking and altruism mediate this relationship. The chapter also identifies the expected contribution and findings of the study and its potential limitations setting their thesis up well for the…

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